
Zero Residue

residuo zero-2020-uk-rgb-01The ZERO RESIDUE AND CONTROLLED RESIDUE product Standard edited by Bioagricert represents a useful tool for the enhancement of agricultural and agri-food productions obtained with production techniques that provide for important limitations in the use of pesticides, particularly attentive to the environmental impact and the health of consumers.

The objective of the certification is to encourage the diffusion of production systems that add, to the already restrictive principles of Integrated Production and good agricultural practices (Standard prerequisite of reference), the careful analysis and selection of plant protection products with low environmental impact characterized by a low residuality, up to obtaining products without pesticide residues in detectable quantities.

The product is defined as "Zero Residue" when the residues of plant protection products of chemical synthesis are less than or equal to 0.01 mg/kg (10 ppb). This threshold is intended as the analytical quantification limit currently proposed by the most qualified test laboratories for most of the tests for the research of pesticides.

The product is defined as a "Controlled Residue" when the residues of plant protection products of chemical synthesis are less than or equal to XX% of the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) required by law.


 Download the Standard and the Certification Request

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